Posts Tagged ‘models of the runway’

Happy Ending? Local music comes to Project Runway

August 31, 2009

As long as we're talking "farewell song," let's play it while we dismiss Tim Gunn (left) from this picture.

We would follow Heidi Klum just about anywhere, but following the supermodel and the show she hosts, Project Runway, from Bravo to Lifetime was a bitter pill to swallow. There are only so many Meredith Baxter movies and Golden Girls reruns we can take, and the network has a tendency to dish out plenty of both, but at least we’re given a 60-minute Heidi Oasis to… wait, what were we talking about? Ah, yes, television. The new season of Project Runway began recently, and it turns out one longtime member of the local music scene will be giving us added incentive to watch the show this year. Find out about the best thing on the show after its buxom host after the break.
